NY Power Station

Location: NY
Facility Type: Power Plant
Project Descriptions: Decommissioning of Entire Power Plant


  • 950,000 sq. ft. full decommissioning, demolition and environmental remediation of a 500 mega watt power plant consisting of 12 interconnected building, 5 boiler houses, precipitators, tank farm, transformers, ash and coal handling equipment, stacks, waste water treatment plant, and coal pile situated on 60 acre site
  • 500 ft concrete stack implosion situated 35 ft from an active CSX line
  • Asbestos abatement of all structures, boilers, pipe racks, and tank farm
  • Remediation and management of all hazardous and non-hazardous waste including chemicals, paints, solvents, oils, grease, fuels, PCBs, transformer oils and universal waste including lights, bulbs, ballasts, instrumentation controls and mercury switches
  • Decommission and remediation of Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • Removal, transporting (by rail) and disposal of fly ash, contaminated coal, unsuitable soils and import fill replacement, site preparation for future development. Excavating, transport and screening for recycle-reuse for potential fuel energy source.
  • Marine demolition and removal of Intake structures, equipment and sheet piling channels.
  • Recycling (crushing) all hard-fill tons under accepted DEC Beneficial Reuse Determination, backfill, compaction and final stabilization of site.
  • Engineered, implemented and maintained Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan and Storm Water Discharge Plan approved and monitored by the DEC along one of New York’s significant waterways